Friday, April 15, 2011

to kill a mockingbird-chapters 4-6

4- Scout is still upset with how her teacher is teaching the class because she feels she should be learning more advanced work. However, she is very excited that summer is soon approaching, so she won't have to be frustrated with class anymore. An important part of this chapter is that on the way home from school Scout passes by the Radley house and sees a piece of tinfoil hanging out of a knothole in the tree. Scout goes closer to check it out, and discovers 2 pieces of gum inside the knothole. She eats the gum without question , and tells Jem about it, and he then freaks out. At the end of this chapter, Jem and Scout are playing outside of their house pretending they are the Radley family and acting how crazy they think they are. Atticus comes out to see if they are making fun of the Radley's, but Jem denies it.

5-In the next chapter Jem and Dill start to hang out more, and because of this Scout doesn't see him as much. Because of this change Scout started to hang out more with her neighbor Miss Maudie Atkinson. She was a a nice lady who was always out gardening. Furthermore, Scout asks Miss, Maudie about the rumors about Boo Radley, and she told them that all those rumors were wrong. In fact, Boo was actually a very nice and polite boy. At the end of the chapter Jem and Dill tried to make a note to Boo Radley to come outside, but Atticus stopped them.

6- Jem and Dill disobey Atticus, and continue to torment Radley. They go back over to his place, and see Boo holding a shotgun, and they quickly run. They try and hop the fence, but Jem's pants get stuck on the fence and he has to leave them there to get away. They go back to their house and Atticus, and Miss, Atkinson are waiting there. Miss, Atkinson tells the kids that Radley just shot a negro outside of his house. Atticus then asks where Jems pants were, and Dill says that he won them in a game of strip poker. Atticus believes him, and Jem goes out late at night to get his pants.

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