Friday, April 8, 2011

friday april 8th-to kill a mockingbird

The book I chose to read for LASE was To kIll a Mockingbird written by Harper Lee. This book is about the terrible racist times that african american people had to endure many years ago. The main part of this book is about a lawyer named Atticus Finch. This man was sick of the racism in his community down in Alabama, and decided to defend a black man in court. His name was Tom Robinson, and he was going to court because people thought he raped a girl. A white man defending a black man back in this era was considered immoral, and because of this Atticus, and his children have been getting grief from everyone for doing this. However, I think what Atticus did was absolutely amazing. For him to stick up for his beliefs, and not care what they think about it. This book is all about doing the right thing in life even if others give you a hard time. Although, we don't have this problem with racism anymore, there are many other problems that people don't try and fix because people will harp on them for it. Atticus's daughter doesn't really understand why Atticus is defending Tom Robinson because they're getting treated badly for doing it. However, Atticus is a wise man and is really the only mature and moral man in the community. Also, a powerful quote in the second chapter is "you never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view--until you climb inside his skin and walk around in it."

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