Wednesday, February 16, 2011

mindset book

The book mindset goes into great detail about the psychology of being successful. Carol S. Dewack says there are mindsets that people have such as: a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. Furthermore, people with a fixed mindset believe they cannot improve their skills or abilities. They think that whatever skills they are born with are the same skills they will have their entire life. For these people challenges are viewed negatively because they think they can't improve them. On the other hand, people with a growth mindset believe the opposite. They think that the abilities they are born with can be enhanced over time. They can always improve everything and this is a positive way to look on life.

Monday, February 14, 2011

setting goals

I have currently set 7 goals this semester in which all 7 I know I can conquer. Furthermore, the two that I want to focus on are getting a 3.5 GPA, and winning a national championship. Of the 7 goals these two are by far my most important. They are both difficult goals, but if I put my mind to it and give it my best they will get done. On the other hand, I didn't do as well last year as this because I was lazy and didn't do my homework. Ironically, these are 2 of my sub goals. If I do these things I will be almost guaranteed a 3.5 GPA.

Moreover, winning the NCAA championship will be a very tough goal as well. There are so many amazing teams that want it win just as bad as UVA. We are currently the #1 ranked team in the country, so I know we are the most skilled team all we have to do is try our best. From a personal point of view if I play my best and score goals for the team we will be successful. I feel as though i'm going to be a big part of the team this year, so I really need to play my best and give it my all. In conclusion, if I try my best this semester I will achieve all 7 of my goals, especially my 2 most essential goals which are getting a 3.5 GPA and win an NCAA championship!

Monday, February 7, 2011

success with tests

If you're like me tests are the hardest thing in school. They put so much pressure on you, and some people just can't handle it. However, this book shows many ways to overcome this and be successful at tests. According to the book there are 4 essential ingredients to being successful at tests. prepared 2.reduce your anxiety 3. develop test wiseness 4. review the test. These 4 ingredients will help you prepare for tests, and also help while taking the test, which will ultimately help you improve your test scores.

Friday, February 4, 2011

taking notes

As a student for the past 15 years I have never really been a big fan of note taking. I don't think anyone really is. But it's a necessary step to succeed in college. A successful way to take notes is to first review the readings before class so you before hand what's going on. Also, a big mistake when taking notes is to try and write down everything the professor is saying. That would be impossible! Instead just take the important ideas of what the professor is saying. Furthermore, shortening words or using symbols to replace some words could be very helpful. For example instead of the word government use (gov't). Simple abbreviations like this will help immensely. Another essential part of taking notes is one that barely anyone wants to do and that is sit at the front of the class. This is important because it will be easier for you to hear the professor, and also easier for you to see the notes on the board/overhead. Moreover, sitting at the front the class can make a huge difference when taking notes, and ultimately make you a more successful student.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

feb2nd/11-ways to enhance memory

There are many different techniques people use to help enhance their memory to study for tests, and other things. Some techniques I use to help me remember is to repeat important facts over and over in my head until I fully remember it. I do this for everything I feel is important. Also, after I'm done studying I will ask a friend to ask me questions and I answer them. Moreover, having a friend ask me these questions is one of the best ways I remember things.

Also, if I'm remembering things like numbers I use a memory technique called "chunking," which is when you group numbers together in separate/smaller groups to help remember. Chunking is something we use a lot in our society today, but for different purposes. For example the most common use for chunking is with a phone number. (123-456-7899) Furthermore, a phone number would be hard to remember, but when you chunk things together in smaller groups it makes it much easier to remember.