Friday, April 29, 2011

to kill a mockingbird chapter 16-17

chapter 16-Tom's trial begins the next day and people from all over Maycomb gather around. Many people are hoping that Tom is guilty, and that Atticus has no real evidence to tell the judge. One thing that isn't looking good for Tom and Atticus is Judge Taylor. Taylor is an old white man, with an old fashioned mentality. This is bad for them because black people were less accepted back in Taylor's time, so the odds of him being on Tom's side are slim to none. Anyway at the end of the chapter Judge Taylor comes into the court room, and sits down.

chapter 17-The trial then beings. Mr. Gilmer begins by questioning Heck Tate and tells him to explain the night of November 21st when his daughter Mayella was supposedly raped by Tom Robinson. Heck Tate says to the court room that when he found Mayella that night, he found her beaten and bruised, and the first thing she said to Heck Tate was that Tom Robinson has raped her. Atticus then gets to the stand, and tells the Judge that no doctor was called, which means there is no medical evidence to prove that Tom could have raped her. Also, he examines her bruises and concludes that all of her bruises were on the right side of her face.

to kill a mockingbird chapter 14-15

chapter 14-As Tom's trial is closely approaching Sheriff Heck Tate don't think that it would be safe for Tom Robinson at the Finches. Because of this Heck Tate and a few other Sheriff's come go to the Finches to get Tom and take him to the town prison. Heck Tate heard that a lynch mob have been assembling, and planned to lynch Tom Robinson. Furthermore, they picked Tom up as soon as possible and took him to the  jail. Once Tom goes into the jail, Atticus waits outside the jail door to make sure everything is ok. He then sees in the distance a car approach the jail, and four men get out. They approach Atticus and tell him that he has 15 seconds to move away from the door. Atticus refuses, and then Jem and Scout start running towards him. The men then see his children are there and tells Atticus to tell his children to go home. They don't listen to the men, and they eventually leave.

Many people in the town don't agree with Atticus's decision to defend Tom Robinson. I guess people in this time period, and especially in this town believe that black people are unequal, and this is just wrong. I'm glad that Atticus has the independence to do what he thinks is right.

to kill a mockingbird chapter 12-13

chapter 13-Aunt Alexandria decides that she should stay with the children for a while to give them some "feminine influence." Maycomb gives her a warm welcome and bake her cakes and cookies. Aunt Alexandria comes to Maycomb to talk to the Finches about family issues. This town is a very old,  historic town where they take the issues of a family very seriously. There have been generations of Finches living there in Maycomb, and they want to continue with that legacy. Aunt Alexandria then tells Atticus to give Scout and Jem a brief history of their ancestry.

chapter 14-In this chapter Jem, Scout and Atticus continue to get heckled for Atticus defending Tom Robinson. They feel as though him defending a black man in this town is immoral, and he should drop Tom as his defendant. Later on Aunt Alexandria tries to convince Atticus that they don't need Calpurnia anymore and should let her go. Atticus refuses, and tells her that she's staying. Jem doesn't like this either and gets upset with Alexandria. Jem then tells Scout to antagonize Alexandria, and then Scout gets mad at Jem. This causes a huge argument between the Finches and everyone begins fighting amongst each other. Finally, Atticus comes into the room, and breaks up the fight.

to kill a mockingbird chapter 10-11

chapter 10-Jem and Scout are kind of embarrassed of how old Atticus is. They think it's weird that other fathers is Maycomb are much younger, and act younger. However, one day Heck Tate who is the sheriff of Maycomb asks Atticus to shoot an animal. To Jem and Scouts amazement he actually does, and they feel proud of their father. Atticus hit the dog from a far distance away, and Jem and Scout couldn't figure out how he did so. Furthermore, Miss Maudie tells Jem and Scout that as a young man Atticus used to have the  best shot in the town, and they used to call him "One Shot Finch."

chapter 11-By this time in the book Jem just turns 12 years old. People at this age find a new sense of independency, and begin to aquire mature like qualities. However, Scout is still young and always pesters Jem. Since Jem is growing up he tells Scout to grow up and stop pestering him. Scout becomes upset by this, and can't wait until summer for Dill to come visit. She becomes very excited, for summer since she'l have a good friend come visit her. But, later on Dill sends Scout a letter sadly saying that he won't be able to visit her anymore.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

to kill a mockingbird-chapters 7-9

chapter 7-a few days later Jem tells Scout that they found his pants folded and hung up neatly over the fence. They thought this was weird because when they left them there they were stuck to the fence. They seemed very suspicious over this, but didn't pay too much attention to it at first. Furthermore, on the way home from school that day, something else weird happened. They found a ball of twine in the knothole of the tree at Boo Radley's. Also, later in the chapter 2 more objects appear in the knothole. There were 2 carvings if Jem and Scout made out of soap. There was also a piece of gum, spelling bee medal and a pocket watch in the knothole. Moreover, the next day Mr. Radley filled the knothole with cement.

chapter 8-Later in the winter, Miss Maudie's house randomly burns down. No one knows who did it, but as it was burning down someone came over and put a blanket over Scout. Scout later found out that it was Boo Radley who put the blanket over her, and he also revealed the story about him putting the objects in the knothole. Scout tells Atticus, but he tells her to keep it to herself for now.

chapter 9-The next day at school Scout almost gets in a fight with another classmate named Cecil Jacobs. Atticus has just told people that he will be defending a black person. The black person named Tom Robinson was being charged for raping a white woman. People every in Maycomb, even Scout's classmates are giving their family a hard time for this. During the christmas holidays Atticus's brother Jack comes to stay with them for christmas. On christmas day Atticus takes them to finch's landing with some other people in the family. There a boy named Francis calls Atticus a "nigger lover" and Scout gets in a fight with him. Later that night Scout over hears Atticus saying that Tom Robinson is actually innocent, but there is no way he can win the case since Tom is a black man. At this time black people suffered through everything, even if they didn't do it.

Friday, April 15, 2011

to kill a mockingbird-chapters 4-6

4- Scout is still upset with how her teacher is teaching the class because she feels she should be learning more advanced work. However, she is very excited that summer is soon approaching, so she won't have to be frustrated with class anymore. An important part of this chapter is that on the way home from school Scout passes by the Radley house and sees a piece of tinfoil hanging out of a knothole in the tree. Scout goes closer to check it out, and discovers 2 pieces of gum inside the knothole. She eats the gum without question , and tells Jem about it, and he then freaks out. At the end of this chapter, Jem and Scout are playing outside of their house pretending they are the Radley family and acting how crazy they think they are. Atticus comes out to see if they are making fun of the Radley's, but Jem denies it.

5-In the next chapter Jem and Dill start to hang out more, and because of this Scout doesn't see him as much. Because of this change Scout started to hang out more with her neighbor Miss Maudie Atkinson. She was a a nice lady who was always out gardening. Furthermore, Scout asks Miss, Maudie about the rumors about Boo Radley, and she told them that all those rumors were wrong. In fact, Boo was actually a very nice and polite boy. At the end of the chapter Jem and Dill tried to make a note to Boo Radley to come outside, but Atticus stopped them.

6- Jem and Dill disobey Atticus, and continue to torment Radley. They go back over to his place, and see Boo holding a shotgun, and they quickly run. They try and hop the fence, but Jem's pants get stuck on the fence and he has to leave them there to get away. They go back to their house and Atticus, and Miss, Atkinson are waiting there. Miss, Atkinson tells the kids that Radley just shot a negro outside of his house. Atticus then asks where Jems pants were, and Dill says that he won them in a game of strip poker. Atticus believes him, and Jem goes out late at night to get his pants.

Monday, April 11, 2011

chapter 2-3 of to kill a mockingbird-monday april 11th

It is now September in Maycomb, and Dill leaves town. However, Scout is still there, and is eagerly awaiting for her first day of school. She has been waiting for this moment for a long time, and it is finally almost there. The first day did not go as planned for Scout as her and her teacher do not get along. Scout loves work, so she had Atticus teach her before school started. For this reason, Scout's teacher Miss. Caroline is mad at her for already being educated. Furthermore, a boy in Scout's class named Walter Cunningham doesn't have enough money for lunch because he's poor, so he asks Miss. Cunningham for money. She gladly gives him a quarter to buy lunch and says he'l pay her back. Scout and Miss. Caroline's relationship suffers even more when Scout tries to explain to her that Walter will never pay her back because he is so poor. Miss. Caroline gets even more upset with her after this and slaps Scout's hand with a ruler. After this Scout yells at Walter for getting her in trouble, but her brother Jem breaks it up and invites him to dinner. At dinner Walter puts Syrup all over his food, and again Scout makes fun of him. Their maid calls Scout into the kitchen and slaps her in on the wrist, and tells her to be nicer. The next day Scout tells Atticus that she doesn't feel good, and probably won't go to school anymore. Atticus tells her it's the law to go school, but he will keep teaching her at home if she doesn't tell Miss. Caroline.

One of the most important quotes in the book also comes from this chapter. "You never really understand a person until you--climb into his skin and walk around in it."